Year 10 Environmental Science

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr H. Cattell.

Yr 10 Environmental Science will appeal to those students who are passionate about Planet Earth!

Students can learn about a wide range of local and global environmental issues with a particular emphasis on our Horticulture and Agriculture industries. Students will use the classroom, the glasshouse and school garden area and Te Uru, our forest, to develop practical skills and an understanding of:

  • Plant propagation (with an emphasis on native species).
  • Landscaping with native plant species.
  • Global & NZ environmental issues from a science perspective
  • Soil health and organic gardening and permaculture principles
  • Agriculture and Horticulture industries and their impact on the environment.
  • Plant pest and disease control (including invasive pest species).

Burnside High School has an Environmental Group (over 200 students in 2024) which is very active in physically changing our local school environment and there is a growing interest and awareness at BHS of environmental issues facing all New Zealanders. In response to this, the Yr 10 Environmental Science course offers students with an interest in the environment to learn basic practical skills as well as the opportunity to complete project work and engage in the science and social aspects of the issues (E.g. global climate change, species loss and other NZ environmental issues) in the classroom. This course offers an excellent background to achievement standards covered in senior Sciences, especially Biology and Geography. 

This is a Year 10 optional course.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

In addition to stationery there is an approximate fee of $10.00 for take-home materials. A set of rubberised cotton gloves are strongly recommended for practical tasks.


Leads onto Science in Level 1 (Biology) and the environmental/sustainability Internal Assessments in Geography Level 1 and Biology Level 2