NCEA Level 3 Outdoor Education

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr T. Percival.

Level 3 Outdoor Education is a Unit Standards course, which is designed to offer students a wide range of skills in Outdoor Pursuits and Outdoor Recreation. While at the same time, gain accreditation for their achievements within the National Qualifications Framework. Students with a strong interest in the outdoors are able to continue their studies and work towards a Certificate, Diploma or Bachelors Degree in Outdoor Recreation/Education at a range of institutions after the completion of this course. Or alternatively move directly into the outdoor facilitation industry, working with youth through different organisations. A field trip component is built into the course which is necessary to develop and apply the skills and knowledge learnt in class and for assessment purposes.

Students will gain skills and participate in the following Units; 
Whitewater Kayaking, 
Outdoor Facilitation, 
First Aid,
Mountain Biking. 
Whilst developing their ability in each of these areas students will also complete necessary, complimentary units involving 
Navigation & Weather Interpretation Skills.
River Crossing. 

This course uses Te Ao Māori concepts; Kotahitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Manaakitanga and Turangawaewae throughout to emphasise key areas of learning such as co-operation, sustainability, supporting others and a sense of belonging. 

Whether you are young or old, there’s always room to grow. Learning a new skill, solving problems, and helping others are just some of the many “feathers” you can wear in order to soar high. The more strengths you have, the higher you’ll fly! Give your tamariki those feathers (experiences) so they may soar. This course uses Te Ao Māori concepts; Kotahitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Manaakitanga and Turangawaewae throughout to emphasise key areas of learning such as co-operation, sustainability, supporting others and a sense of belonging. 

“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books.”

- John Lubbock

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Some STAR funding may be available for unit standards in Adventure-Based Learning, Outdoor Navigation, and First Aid. All other unit standards are funded from a subject fee of approximately $450.00.


Further study of Outdoor Education at polytechnics such as ARA and Tai poutini.
A career in conservation working for companies like the Department of Conservation or similar.
A career in outdoor instruction or guiding