Burnside High School Burnside High School

NCEA Level 2 Music Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr C. Hood.

This course is aimed at students who would like to move into the field of Music Technology, Sound and Audio Engineering, Live sound, Sequencing and/or MIDI programming.

This course is open to all year 12 students. It can be taken in conjunction with other Level 2 Music Courses. It is the pre-requisite for Level 3 Music Technology.

As this course is strongly based in practical / computer-based learning, you will need an appropriately sized memory stick each lesson. Software packages used include Logic and Sibelius.

Students who are enrolled in this course may be having instrumental lessons, but this is not a compulsory part of the course. If you are interested in starting lessons, please talk to your teacher about an appropriate instrumental tutor.

All students have the opportunity to gain 16 credits at level two with a focus on practical industry skills and experience.

Students not enrolled in 12MUC, 12MUO or 12PMU may also be able to gain a further 6 credits for solo performance if they choose.

Learning Areas:

Creative Arts


NCEA Level 3 Music Technology

Career Pathways

Musician, Sound Technician

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery