Burnside High School Burnside High School

Cambridge A Level Music

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr C. Petch.

Recommended Prior Learning

Achievement in 12MUO.

From 2025, the 13MUO course will follow the Cambridge A Level syllabus only. Students selecting this course must have taken the Cambridge AS Music course in Year 12, as 50% of those marks carry forward to form part of the A Level grade. Students taking 13MUO may also take course 13MUP – an NCEA based course that allows students to personalise their learning, choosing from any of all the available NCEA Level 3 standards. Please see the 13MUP course description for further details.

Cambridge A Level Music involves portfolio/project based learning only; there is no end-of-course examination. 

Students must choose two of the following three options:

Option A - Extended Performance: 15-20 minute performance plus a 1000-1500 word research report

Option B - Extended Composition: 6-8 minute composition plus a 1000-1500 word research report

Option C - Investigating Music: 2500-3000 word essay plus a 500 word reflective statement

Those students choosing options A and B may also receive the relevant NCEA credits (Solo Performance and Composition), irrespective of whether they are also taking 13MUP or not.

Learning Areas:

Creative Arts

Career Pathways


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$40.00 Course Contribution
$10.00 Course Workbook