Burnside High School Burnside High School

Employment Skills

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs R. Knights.

This course is available for students in years 11, 12 and 13.

This course develops employability skills and offers the opportunity to develop students' career pathways and the skills needed to succeed in the workplace.

This course will allow students to engage in a self directed a learning plan with emphasis on job seeking skills, the responsibilities and expectations of both a good employee and a good employer, and employment trends. Other topics include income, taxation, budgeting, communication skills, and working in a team. 

Students may select this course twice if they wish to complete a combined level 2 and 3 course. This is recommended for students who wish to gain both level 2 and 3 credits in one year and are either not planning to return to school or not planning to take this course the following year. Students who have previously taken employment skills should speak with Mrs. Knights before selecting the double option. 

Students in this course will be enrolled in up to 20 credits of unit standard assessments (up to 40 if selected as a double option). 

Students in who take this subject also have the opportunity to complete a work experience placement or short training course which will offer up to an additional 20 credits. 

Course Overview

Term 1
Financial goal setting and budgeting skills

Term 2
Job seeking skills

Term 3
The world of work

Term 4
Career pathway development and planning

Learning Areas:

Student Support

Assessment Information

Students in this course will be enrolled in up to 20 credits of assessments (up to 40 if selected as a double option).

Students who complete a work experience placement or short training course have the opportunity to achieve up to an additional 20 credits.