Kaiwhakaako Māori Kaiwhakaako Māori

Kaiwhakaako Māori teach in te reo Māori at primary and secondary schools.

First-year kaiwhakaako Māori must become provisionally registered with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand Matatū Aotearoa and gain full registration after two years' satisfactory work as a teacher. On becoming fully registered, teachers are issued with a practising certificate, renewable every three years.

Kaiwhakaako Māori may do some or all of the following:

  • plan, prepare and teach programmes for primary or secondary students
  • set and mark assignments and tests
  • assess students' work
  • record children's progress and write reports
  • help children develop social skills and behaviours
  • meet with parents, whānau or caregivers
  • attend departmental and staff meetings
  • take part in or organise extracurricular activities such as sport, camps or drama
  • keep up to date with curriculum changes and assessment methods
  • maintain regular contact with local iwi, marae and community groups.

Useful Experience

Useful experience for kaiwhakaako Māori includes:

  • work with Māori
  • Māori language courses
  • marae work
  • work with young people
  • counselling
  • work with people with disabilities
  • community work.

Personal Qualities

Kaiwhakaako Māori need to be:

  • skilled at communicating with students and adults from a range of backgrounds
  • organised and good at solving problems
  • friendly, supportive, and good at listening
  • positive, enthusiastic and able to motivate children
  • creative, adaptable and resourceful.


Kaiwhakaako Māori need to have:

  • knowledge of Māori language and culture
  • teaching skills, and knowledge of different teaching methods and learning styles
  • up-to-date knowledge of the curriculum
  • assessment and planning skills
  • classroom management skills, including an understanding of behaviour management.


Kaiwhakaako Māori:

  • work regular school hours, but often work additional hours to plan lessons, assess work or attend meetings
  • may be involved in extracurricular activities during lunchtimes, weekends and school holidays or after school
  • work in offices, classrooms and marae, and sometimes at locations such as school camps 
  • may travel nationally to attend conferences and courses.

Kaiwhakaako Māoris can earn around $55K-$103K per year.

Pay for kaiwhakaako Māori depends on their qualifications, experience and the type of school they teach at.

  • Kaiwhakaako Māori usually earn between $55,000 and $95,000 a year.
  • For those working in secondary schools, this will rise to between $61,000 and $103,000 in December 2024.

Kaiwhakaako Māori who meet the criteria receive a Māori Immersion Allowance of $4,000 a year.

Kaiwhakaako Māori may qualify for higher pay and allowances if they have extra responsibilities.

They may earn more at private schools.

Sources: Ministry of Education, 'Māori Immersion Allowance'; 'Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023–2025'; and 'Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement 2022–2025'.

Voluntary bonding scheme in hard-to-staff schools

Kaiwhakaako Māori who work in schools identified as hard to staff may be eligible for an extra $10,500 after three consecutive years of teaching, then $3,500 after the fourth year, and a further $3,500 after the fifth year.

Kaiwhakaako Māori may progress to become senior teachers or heads of department, or move into management roles, such as assistant or deputy principal, or principal.

Kaiwhakaako Māori may also progress to jobs in areas such as:

  • teaching trainee teachers in tertiary institutions
  • research and policy
  • businesses such as publishing, writing and professional development training.

Years Of Training

3-4 years of training required.

Entry requirements for kaiwhakaako Māori vary depending on the type and level of school.

For primary teaching at kura kaupapa Māori (Māori medium schools)

You need to be fluent in te reo Māori, and have one of the following:

  • a three-year Bachelor of Education (Teaching) or equivalent
  • a degree plus a one-year Graduate Diploma of Teaching
  • a four-year conjoint degree that combines study in teaching subjects with teacher training.

For secondary teaching of te reo Māori at English medium schools

You need one of the following:

  • a degree in Māori followed by a one-year Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)
  • a combined Māori degree and secondary teaching qualification.

For secondary teaching at Māori medium or bilingual schools

You need to be fluent in te reo Māori, and have one of the following:

  • a specialist subject degree followed by a one-year Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)
  • a combined specialist subject degree and secondary teaching qualification.


You need to be registered with the Teaching Council of New Zealand Matatū Aotearoa.

Targeted scholarships for kaiwhakaako Māori

Scholarships are offered by the Government to encourage people to:

  • train as teachers of te reo Māori at secondary school level
  • train as Māori medium teachers.

The Vulnerable Children Act 2014 means that if you have certain serious convictions, you can’t be employed in a role where you are responsible for, or work alone with children.

Kaiwhakaako Māori