Burnside High School Burnside High School

NCEA Level 1 Hospitality Food Studies

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 or 10 Foods helpful but not compulsory.

Hospitality: Food Studies


This course utilises mostly Cookery Level 2 Unit Standards and 1 Cookery Level 1 Unit Standard. It will offer you the opportunity to experience and participate in a wide range of activities in a variety of contexts with a strong focus on strengthening food preparation and life skills, with students usually cooking 3-4 times per week in the commercial kitchen.

This course will equip you with the necessary skills to maintain your own personal well-being both now and in the future; as well as prepare you for future vocational opportunities. 

The Year 11 Hospitality Food Studies programme is assessed against four cookery Unit Standards totalling 15 credits.  When you gain credits from a Unit Standard the credits contribute to your NCEA. Unit Standards have only one level of competency – standards are either competent or not yet competent. 

Work throughout the year will be internally assessed through tests and practical tasks. There is no external assessment for this course.

Topics Covered;

  • Food Safety
  • Grilling
  • Salads
  • Knives
  • Baking
  • Mocktails

This course option is partially funded by the Government Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR).

NOTE: Students are expected to provide some perishable foods for practical lessons. Details of this will be on Schoology to help assist the organisation of this.

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Course materials contribution $80 for the supply of pantry items, which school provides.
Students will be expected to provide perishable goods each week.
Workbook contribution of $44.00.