
Courses in this Learning Area

NCEA Level 2 New Zealand Certificate in Hospitality Course View
12 Gateway Electronics View
Level 3 Scholarship and Extension Digital Technologies View
Year 09 Digital Technologies View
Year 09 Electronics View
Year 9 Fashion Design Technology View
Year 9 Food Technology View
Year 9 Multi Materials Technology View
Year 10 Design and Visual Communication View
Year 10 Digital Technologies View
Year 10 Electronics Technology View
Year 10 Fashion Design Technology View
Year 10 Food Technology View
Year 10 Multi Materials Technology View
NCEA Level 1 Hospitality Food Studies View
NCEA Level 1 Building and Construction View
NCEA Level 1 Design and Visual Communication View
NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies - Computer and Electrical Engineering View
NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies - Interactive Game Design View
NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies - Product & Digital Design View
NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies - Software Engineering and Computer Science View
NCEA Level 1 Engineering View
NCEA Level 1 Fashion Design Manufacturing View
NCEA Level 1 Fashion Design Technology View
NCEA Level 1 Food and Nutrition View
NCEA Level 1 Food Technology View
NCEA Level 1 Practical Computing View
NCEA Level 2 Building and Construction View
NCEA Level 2 Design and Visual Communication View
NCEA Level 2 Digital Technologies - Computer and Electrical Engineering View
NCEA Level 2 Digital Technologies - Interactive Game Design View
NCEA Level 2 Digital Technologies - Product & Digital Design View
NCEA Level 2 Digital Technologies - Software Engineering and Computer Science View
NCEA Level 2 Early Childhood Studies View
NCEA Level 2 Engineering View
NCEA Level 2 Fashion Design Manufacturing View
NCEA Level 2 Fashion Design Technology View
NCEA Level 2 Food and Nutrition View
NCEA Level 2 Food Technology View
NCEA Level 2 Hospitality Food Studies View
NCEA Level 2 Hospitality: Food and Beverage View
NCEA Level 2 New Zealand Certificate in Hospitality Course View
NCEA Level 2 Practical Computing Skills View
NCEA Level 3 Advanced Practical Computing Skills View
NCEA Level 3 Building and Construction View
NCEA Level 3 Design and Visual Communication View
NCEA Level 3 Digital Technologies - Computer and Electrical Engineering View
NCEA Level 3 Digital Technologies - Interactive Game Design View
NCEA Level 3 Digital Technologies - Product & Digital Design View
NCEA Level 3 Digital Technologies - Software Engineering and Computer Science View
NCEA Level 3 Early Childhood Studies View
NCEA Level 3 Engineering View
NCEA Level 3 Fashion Design Manufacturing View
NCEA Level 3 Fashion Design Technology View
NCEA Level 3 Food and Nutrition View
NCEA Level 3 Food Technology View
NCEA Level 3 Hospitality: Cuisine and Coffee View
NCEA Level 3 Hospitality: Food Studies View
NCEA Level 3 Materials Technology - Extension View
Senior Literacy and Numeracy View