Burnside High School Burnside High School

NCEA Level 2 Hospitality: Food and Beverage

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

Nil. This course is open to Year 12 and 13 students

This course of study is designed as an introduction to working in a fully functional commercial kitchen or restaurant environment. A Hospitality industry recognised basic barista /espresso coffee making Unit Standard is also included. The skills and knowledge gained in this course are directly transferable to employment in the Hospitality industry or provide foundation skills for future study. 

Students will usually have two practical cookery or coffee-making sessions per week.

Topics include

- Espresso Coffee-Machine use and beverage preparation and service

- Restaurant Service Knowledge and Skills

- Food Safety

A compulsory component of this course is the attendance of the Restaurant Assessments held at the end of Term 2. Students are asked to invite 4 guests for dinner while the assessment is completed.

Students can choose to study a combination of 12HFB and 12HFT following consultation with their Dean.

This course option is partially funded by the Government Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR)

NB See also: Hospitality: Food Technology and Food and Nutrition for other foods-based course options

NCEA Level 2

NOTE: Students are expected to provide some perishable foods for practical lessons. Details of this will be on Schoology to help assist the organisation of this.

Course Overview

Term 1
Schools 2
Unit standard 14434 - Prepare and clear areas for table service for a commercial hospitality establishment
During this unit, you will learn how to: prepare service areas and equipment, prepare customer dining areas, and clear dining and service areas

Unit standard 14436 - Provide table service for a commercial hospitality establishment
During this unit, you will learn how to: present menus and take orders from customers, serve customer orders, and clear and maintain tables during service for a commercial hospitality establishment.

Unit standard 14425 - Prepare and serve hot and cold non-alcoholic drinks for a commercial hospitality establishment
During this unit, you will learn: Different types of non-alcoholic beverages, Take beverage orders, prepare, serve and clear beverage orders for a commercial hospitality establishment.

Unit standard 28145 - Interact with customers in a service delivery context
During this unit, you will learn: how to interact with customers in a service delivery context

Term 2
Continue with all Schools 2 unit standards and complete Restaurant night assessments

Unit standard 62 - Maintain personal presentation and a positive attitude in a workplace involving customer contact
During this unit, you will be able to describe and demonstrate, the standards of personal hygiene and presentation expected in a hospitality workplace.

Term 3
Unit standard 17285 - Demonstrate knowledge of commercial espresso coffee equipment and prepare espresso beverages under supervision
During this unit, you will learn about commercial espresso coffee machines, and how to care for them. As well as preparing a selection of espresso coffees to a hospitality standard.

Term 4
Complete unit standard 17285

Learning Areas:



NCEA Level 3 Food Technology, NCEA Level 3 Hospitality: Cuisine and Coffee

Career Pathways

Cook, Baker, Bartender, Hotel/Motel Manager, Cafe Worker, Cafe/Restaurant Manager, Chef

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$55 for pantry ingredients, which the school provides.
$84 Workbook contribution.
Students are expected to bring perishable ingredients up to two times per week.

$76 Assessment dinner contribution.
Students will be required to invite four guests to a dinner assessment which has been included in this contribution.