Burnside High School Burnside High School

NCEA Level 2 Food Technology

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

This course is open to Year 12 and 13 students.

This course combines the practical aspects of Food Technology. The course contains 3 Level 2 Food Technology Achievement Standards, and 1 Unit Standard (Baking) with up to 16 credits being offered. Achievement Standard assessments strongly support the achievement of NCEA Achievement Standard Excellence and Merit subject endorsement.

The main focus of this course is on developing a range of advanced culinary skills and knowledge of methods of cookery and their potential application in food product design. Food evaluation, sensory testing, and critical analysis methods will also be explored as students experiment with new foods along with flavour and texture combinations. 

Food Technology requires both practical components and analysis of food product development which will enable students to develop the skills necessary for this fast-growing and diverse industry. This course will engage with external Food Technology experts.

Students will usually have two practical cookery lessons per week. 

Topics Include:

  • Sweet goods processing
  • Prototype development of baked food product (individual inquiry topic)
  • Food analysis through subjective and objective tests
  • Specialist equipment use

NB See also: Hospitality: Food and Beverage and Food and Nutrition for other foods-based course options

NCEA Level 2

NOTE: Students are expected to provide some perishable foods for practical lessons. Details of this will be on Schoology to help assist the organisation of this.

Learning Areas:



NCEA Level 3 Food Technology, NCEA Level 3 Hospitality: Cuisine and Coffee

Career Pathways

Baker, Hotel/Motel Manager, Chef, Food Technologist

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$65 to supply pantry staples/ingredients, which the school provides.
Students also need to bring perishable ingredients twice each week.
There is also a $5 cost for one Workbook.