Burnside High School Burnside High School

NCEA Level 3 Hospitality: Cuisine and Coffee

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

Entry requirements: Open to all year 13 Students.

13HCT - Hospitality: Cuisine and Coffee

This is a specialised practical course which will run over double periods. Students will study Service IQ Hospitality Unit Standards with up to 19 level 3 credits being achievable.

Designed to extend practical commercial cookery and food presentation skills, utilising a range of different ingredients and cookery methods students will be required to produce industry quality master chef inspired dishes. This course will equip students with greater insight into the food and catering industry as a lead into tertiary study or hospitality career options.

A key requirement of this course will be the production of food on a regular basis. This will include batch food production and lunchtime pop-up shop sessions and evening restaurant assessments later in the year.  It will take up ONE subject option line (4 periods) but will go into lunchtimes.

Students will usually have two double period practical cookery or coffee making sessions per week (this includes lunch times).

Topics include

- Comprehensive barista espresso coffee training

- Cakes, sponges, and doughs

- Ethnically inspired cookery and food presentation

- Innovation with vegetables

- Breakfast menu options

A compulsory component of this course is the Restaurant Assessment run at the end of Term 2.

This course option is partially funded by the Government Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR)

NOTE: Students are expected to provide some perishable foods for practical lessons. Details of this will be available on Schoology to assist the organisation of this.

NB See also: Hospitality: Food Studies, Hospitality: Food Technology and  Food and Nutrition for other foods based course options

Learning Areas:


Career Pathways

Cook, Baker, Hotel/Motel Manager, Cafe Worker, Cafe/Restaurant Manager, Kitchenhand, Chef

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$120 contribution for pantry ingredients, which the school provides.
Students are required to purchase a Chef's uniform (2 Jackets and 1 Pant), the cost for this is $95.
$16 Workbook contribution
For the Espresso Unit Standard, the course contribution is $110. This is partially subsidised.